02 September 2008

Two Down, Two to Go

The eight students and one faculty family departing from Montgomery made their flight to Memphis without any real difficulties. (We did have one student, who shall remain nameless, oversleep and get to the airport around 6:00 a.m. for our 6:35 flight.)

In Memphis we joined most of the rest of our group: three more Faulkner students, a couple of dozen Freed-Hardeman students, and Professor Jenny Towns of Freed-Hardeman. Many introductions were made, and names are already being forgotten, but we will relearn them as many times as needed in the coming weeks!

We had a 9:40 a.m. flight to Detroit and a short walk (thank goodness!) to our departure gate for the next leg of our journey. Our flight to Amsterdam is scheduled to depart at 4:05 p.m. EDT. For now we are taking shifts finding lunch and cooling our heels at the gate. We should be joined by a couple more students here before our departure; for now, all is well.

1 comment:

Carrie Brown said...

Good luck! Glad you all are well on your way!